Monday, January 19, 2009

Set up Intergarden yesterday

I'm pretty happy I set up Intergarden yesterday. -

Intergarden is a site devoted to hooking up people who have unused garden space but would love some free produce with those who have time but no space and need or want free produce.

Share the garden space and split the produce!

Community garden program run out of plots last year? Join and promote Intergarden!

Have community garden plots go unused last year? Join and promote Intergarden!

Have gardening knowledge you'd like to pass on to others for the future? Join and promote Intergarden! Write your tips in our discussion forums.

Intergarden is free to join. I don't make a dime off of it either, though might through a few ads.

For me, it's all about helping people all over the world.

So Join and promote Intergarden. It's for all of you.

Dan Stafford

Words are the mind's bridge - its connection to all the universe.
Love is the heart's bridge - its connection to all other souls.
Loving words can work miracles.

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